Brad Thomas, Founder iREIT

The one-stop shop REIT investment platform for retail investors
iREIT® is a research investment platform dedicated to providing retail investors with the resources they need to build their wealth with real estate investment trusts (REITs). This specific sector involves corporate landlords that operate under set legal rules that largely allow them to offer safe and growing dividends with higher yields.
iREIT® stands for intelligent REIT, the only type of REIT worth owning.
Now an empire of REIT products across multiple platforms, iREIT® offers services based on three different categories of individual investors, as shown below.
Whether you’re investing in REITs for the first time or have been doing so for years, iREIT® has all the resources you need.
To find out which services are right for you, check out the chart below.
First-Time Investors
Individual investors asking the question: “What is a REIT?”

Those new to the REIT world need not fear. iREIT® has several resources to get started in exploring this profitable investment sector.
Recommended Books
No other author has taken the time to break down a more detailed step-by-step process for REIT beginners than Brad Thomas in his latest book, REITs for Dummies. By the last page, you will understand how REITs work… be able to follow real estate trends… build a REIT portfolio… and more.
Do-It-For-Me Investors
Busy individual investors looking for investment ideas.
Wide Moat Research is a financial newsletter publishing firm founded by Brad Thomas. It’s specifically built for investors looking for REIT investing ideas as well as smart options trading, dividend investment strategies, and more.
Recommended Books
No other author has taken the time break down a more detailed step by step process for REIT beginners than Brad Thomas in his latest book REITs for Dummies. By the end of the book you will understand how REITs work, be able to follow real estate trends, build a REIT portfolio, and more.
Do-It-Yourself Investors
Individual investors looking for solid fundamental analysis.

Brad Thomas’s iREIT®+HOYA Capital is a “super service” dedicated to helping members build sustainable portfolio income with the highest standards of reliability and growth. Members gain access to an extensive suite of investment research trackers and dividend tools, including data on more than 200 REITs… a comprehensive database of high-yielding funds… and four exclusive model portfolios of REITs, closed-end funds (CEFs), and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) targeting premium dividend yields of up to 10%.
Recommended Books
In Brad Thomas’s book, The Intelligent REIT Investor Guide, you’ll find out exactly how REITs outperformed the S&P 500 over a 25-year period… how they stack up against other asset classes… the ins and outs of each subsector… the different ways they could each grow your nest egg… and how to best include them in your portfolio today.