REIT services for retail investors looking for solid fundamental analysis.

In 2011, Brad Thomas started writing about real estate investment trusts, creating a service on Seeking Alpha called iREIT on Alpha. Over a decade later, he’s now the most popular analyst there, complete with a “super service” after combining forces with Alex Pettee of Hoya Capital. Their new product, iREIT®+HOYA Capital, covers over 200 REITs based on Brad’s quality scoring model. All told, it aims to provide all the fundamental analysis DIY investors are looking for.

As a Member of iREIT®+HOYA, You’ll Receive Exclusive Investment Research
- REIT Rankings – reports on 20 REIT sectors and homebuilders
- The Real Estate Weekly Outlook and daily recaps of market intelligence
- Real-time REIT earnings coverage and commentary
- ETF and closed-end fund income ideas and analysis.